According in Griffin's book of 'A first look at communication theory' of 2009 (p. 429), he stated that Deborah Tannen assured that miscommunication often occurs between men and women. The reason for this was that,she claimed that men and women are voicing "different words from different worlds" and that "Male-female conversation is corss-cultural communication". Therefore Griffin (2009, p. 430) stated, based on Tannen's theory "masculine and feminine styles of discourse are best viewed as two distinct cultural dialects" is what defines 'Genderlect Theory'. This post will use a Disney film, 'Mulan', as an example to understand how both genders communicate with each other by applying 'Genderlect Theory' and to see the relevance to our daily life.
Women often seek for 'human connection' with others, while the men are more interested with status; this is claimed by Tannen in Griffin (2009, pp. 432- 433). She further stated that women would tend to make 'rapport talk' to establish a better relationship with others, whereas the men use 'report talk' in a mono-logic style to voice out their command attention and convey information. This wass what Tannen tried to explain the meaning of her quote "different words from different worlds", she sees the conversation between the two gender is cross-cultural environment (Griffin, 2009, p. 429). In the movie 'Mulan', Mulan seek connection by asking and talking more with the people around her such as Mushu. However, in contrast to Mulan, Shang kept on commanding for the army's training and tell them what they should be doing. Hence, establishing his status around the men.
Mulan often talks in private with Mushu, to convey her thoughts about her training or her worries of being caught as a female disgusing as a soldier for her father sake, for example. While Shang, as the head army leader in the camp was giving an order to the men to take an arrow from the top pole as part of their training, in which at least one man who succeed it can prove him that they are ready to go for war. This two scenes have prove Tannen's claim where she stated, women talks more in than men in private conversation, while men are much more suitbale in public speaking environment; where they tend to search the establishment of 'one-up' position (Griffin, 2009, pp. 432-433).
In one of the scene, Yao, Ling and Chein-Po were joking around constantly and there was also one part where they challenge among themselves to see who is the strongest. Tannen noted that (Griffin, 2009, p. 433) compare to women, the men tell more stories by joking; which to them is the most masculine way to achieve status, one of the way is like competing one another via 'can-you-top-this?'. Another way for the men to tell their stories, Tannen claimed that the men are the heroes in their stories. This is seen in Mulan, where Chi-Fu was telling how proud he was as being one of the Emperor's close advisor; to him, possessing that status is considered as one of the higly achievement at that time. In comparison to the women, Tannen (Griffin, 2009, p. 433) stated that the way women tell their stories is by talking about others. In one of the muscial scene in Mulan, there was a part where when Mulan was getting ready for her appointment with the matchmakers, few of the women were mentioning how scary the matchmaker is by stating "Scarier than the undertaker. We are meeting our matchmaker". Tannen further mentioned that "woman is a character in her own narrative", which she meant was women would describe themselves silly in their own stories rather than how men would be the heroes in theirs.
Women, as claimed by Tannen (Griffin, 2009, p. 433), tend to show more aware and attentiveness in a conversation with men. They would interrupt at certain points, to show their careness and support; one of the women's rapport talk. Due to the fact that men often concenred with their status, according to Tannen (Griffin, 2009, pp. 433-434) they avoid or less respond in the conversation as to them, it is taking a 'one-down' stance. Therefore, when a woman is often interrupting someone during a conversation, Tannen noted it is as a 'Cooperative Overlap'. According to Griffin it defines as, "A supportive interruption often meant to show agreement and solidarity with the speaker". Tannen argued (Griffin, 2009, pp. 433-434) on the men sides, that any interruption is regard as the method to take control power of the conversation. Hence, this could be one of the reason why miscommunication occurs between the two gender. One of the example where we can see a man is not listening is in the movie; where Mulan to told Shang that 'The Huns' are in the area, Shang thought she was fooling him around and refused to listen to her, eventhough Mulan repeatedly told him.
Shang refused to listen to Mulan.
In terms of asking question, Tannen (Griffin, 2009, p. 434) adds that women would be the one to asks to establish relationship with others, while men would avoid asking as to them it is a sign of weakness. In addition to this, Tannen stated women would tend to ask in 'Tag Questions' which soften the prick of potential disagreement and instead invite a more friendly conversation. While the men are far more comfortable with conflicts as they dislike to be told what to do, according to Tannen (Griffin, 2009, pp. 434-435), women in comparison to this would try their best to avoid conflicts as to them it is seen as destroying their connection with others.
Although Genderlect Theory means "masculine and feminine styles of discourse are best viewed as two distinct cultural dialects rather than as inferior or superior way of speaking"according to Griffin based on Tannen's idea (2009, p. 430); it is however the fact and norm to see women as the weak and inferior ones as compared to the men who are seen to be much more superior. The reasons why men do not ask question or listen attentively, is because their nature-characteristic of being ego. Status and power, these are few of the main concerned in communicating with others; the more commandly-way they speak the more superior they are in th eyes of others. It can be seen that, what Tannen's theory about the 'cross-cultural communication' between male and female is quite one sided, because she herself portrays the men as more powerful than the women. Despite that, Tannen (Griffin, 2009, p. 435) did however stated "sensitivity training as an effort to teach men how to speak in a feminine voice, while assertiveness training is an effort to reach women how to speak in a masculine voice." With that being said, she hopes that men and women would adjust their linguistic style.
Mulan had to disguise herself as a man to join army.
Coates (1998, p. 66) did however claimed, "Women are status-conscuous or polite, men are rough and down-to-earth." This proves that over the years, linguistic between the two genders have changed, because the truth is; in order the women voice to be heard in public, they have to speak in more aggressive style and dress themselves just like the men. Moreove, other factors are need to be taken into account why women speaks like how men speaks; for example, a girl talks roughly is because she is the only daughter in the family and is surrounded mostly around her brothers.
In conclusion, Tannen's theory possess some flaws but that does not mean it is not valid to apply to our real situation. In politics we often seen that men are more superior in their way of speaking, hence Tannen theory is true in this sense. It is therefore up to every individual to have a better judgment on why and how men and women communicate with each other.
References List;
Coates, J. (1998). Language and Gender: A Reader. (Ed.) Blackwell; USA.
Griffin, E. (2009) A first look at communication theory. (7th Ed.) Glencoe, IL: McGraw Hill.
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