Movie poster.
Sunnafrank (1986, p.3) observes the uncertainty reduction theory as an important key point in relationship development of individuals' concern on uncertainty level of knowledge and understanding between selves and others. In Interpersonal Process of Roloff and Miller (1987, p.41), Berger and Calabrese (1975) included explanation in uncertainty, where it acts a function for both the ability to foresee and the ability to explain actions of other and of self. Griffin (2009) further add "Uncertainty Reduction increased knowledge of what kind of person another is that provides an improved forecast of how future interaction will turn out". In other words, the more interaction is made between two people it will reduce the uncertainty between them. Hence helps them to understand, why one would act in such behaviour.
Troy Bolton is a the school star captain of East High School's basketball team, whereas Gabriella is a new transfered student in Troy's school who is shy and is academically smart. They first met at a party, where the two were called up to sing karaoke together; which soon the two become attracted to each other, before parting they manage to exchange phone numbers. Unlike Social Penetration, Uncertainty Reduction Theory focuses on when a person interacts with antoher person for the first time. Accroding to Charles Berger in Griffin (2009), we meet three prior conditions; Anticipation of future interaction, Incentive value and Deviance. This can be seen when the act of exchange phone numbers occured, it can be assumed that both may have anticipated another future meeting. The incentive value they would have towards one another is that, they are attracted to each other; thus this is a reward based on cost-benefit analysis used in social penetration. Gabriella was hurt when Troy couldn't admit about him enjoying singing to his friends, this caused her to avoid talking to him. Eventhough this happened, Troy tried his best to talk through Gabriella about the incident. Hence, the more interaction the less uncertainty about each other occur.
Troy and Gabriella first met and karaoke together.
To be certain about uncertainty, one must go through a series of axioms to explain the relationship between uncertainty and the eight key variables of; 'Verbal Communication', 'Nonverbal Warmth', 'Information Seeking', 'Self-Disclosure', Reciprocity', 'Similarity', 'Liking' and 'Shared Networks', as proposed by Berger (Griffin, 2009, p. 126). This is supported by Rodloff and Miller (1987, p. 42) where they stated that the "Axioms of the original theory posited the reciprocal relationships between the amount of communication and uncertainty and between nonverbal affilitative expressiveness and uncertainty." They further explained that uncertainty can be reduce with the amount increase in variables of verbal and non-verbal communication.
Verbal communication happened to increase ever since Troy and Gabriella introduced themselves, such as; they got to know where they both come from, opinion on each other's voice and the truth of what Troy thinks about singing. Nonverbal warmth occur when they look at each other for a long time towards the end of the karaoke during the party they were at, they even shakehands as way to greet one another. Thus, from these two variables key, it has reduce the uncertainty between them.
Curiousity often plays a major role in interacting with a new person; the curiousity of how he would react, say or even behave ,would lead to the third variable, 'Seeking Information'. According to Berger in Griffin (2009, pp.130-131) there are three approaches in reducing uncertainty of how the other person would react . After the incident where Troy lied to his friends that he did not care for the 'call-back audition', Troy had to only see how upset Gabriella was at him as she walked away from him and sat down with the other students. This act is known as 'Passive Strategy' where one would observe the other person's interaction with others. The second approach is 'Active Strategy', refers to asking information about a specific person from a third party. This simply can be seen when Troy asked Mrs. Montez where he can find Gabriella. Finally, the 'Interactive Strategy' where a face-to-face interaction involve between two parties.
Troy made it clear to Gabriella and even apologised to her for lying to his friends, which made her believe that he did not care about the 'call-back audition'. Troy also admit to Gabriella that singing is what he enjoys doing to apart from Basketball, therefore 'Self-Disclosure' occur; being transparent was what Berger had described in Griffin (2009, p. 131). It also include 'Reciprocal' as well as 'Similarities' as Gabriella agree to do the 'call-back audition' together with Troy and this is due to their in common of interest in music. This has made a deep reduction in uncertaintu between the two as they are growing in 'Liking' each other, or in other words are attracted to one another. In addition, they become so much close as their 'Shared Networks' or groups of friends are the same people such as their friends; Taylor, Chad, Kelsi and Zeke.
When an individual planned the future interactions, he would have prepared two or three different option of squence in his mind. This process is known as 'Message Plans', Berger in Griffin (2009, pp. 129-130) defined this concept as, "Mental representations os action sequences that may be used to achieve goals". He further added that the message plans often portray in a a hierarchically order, where the abstract action representation is on the top then goes down to bottom for more progressively concrete representation. Troy and Gabriella top representation was to get to know each other as they were attracted to each other, then it slowly develops into becoming more than just 'getting to know' to work together as a team for the 'call-back audition'.
Working together for the 'call-back audition'
In message plans there are about four strategies; First is 'Seeking Information'. Second is 'Choosing Plan Complexity', where Griffin (2009, p. 131) stated as, "A characteristic of a message plan based on the level of detail it provides and the number of contingencies it covers". Third is 'Hedging', Griffin (2009, p. 131) described it as a method of humor and ambiguity for both parties to cover up from a fail conversation that aims to reach their goal, or another way to understand, making a joke out of an embarassment situation. Finally 'The Hierarchy Hypothesis', in this strategy Griffin (2009, p. 131) claimed that when the other person do not understand the message send by an individual, he would change his way of delivering the message via change of voice or speed of speaking.
To conclude this, Uncertainty Reduction Theory helps one to understand what is to be expect when meeting with new people in early encounter. However, eventhough this theory aims to help us understand why people behave in such a way (deviance), we tend to assume about others beforehand. For example, Gabriella might assume that Troy is an honest guy because he was nice enough to introduced himself during their first interaction. But in turn, Troy lied to his friends just to safe his 'basketball-captain-pride' that he does not care about the 'call-back audition'. Despite that, Uncertainty Reduction Theory is still relevant to our everyday life as it helps us to strategized a 'good actions' when interacting with others for the first time.
References List;
Berger & Calabrese (1975). Theoretical Evolution. In Roloff, M. & Miller, G. (1987, Eds.). Interpersonal Processes: New Directions in Communication Reseacrh (pp. 41-42). Vol. 14. SAGE Publications: California.
Griffin, E. (2009) A first look at communication theory. (7th Ed.) Glencoe, IL: McGraw Hill.
Sunnafrank (1986, p.3). Relational Development and Uncertainty Reduction: Review and Critique. In Coupland, N. , Giles, H. & Wiemann, J. (1991). "Miscommunication' and Problematic Talk. SAGE Publications: California.
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